Instructor: Manoj Gupta


  • 70% :Exams

  • 30% : Assignments


The tentative list of topics covered are as follows:

  • Graph Algorithms

  • Divide and Conquer

  • Greedy

  • Dynamic Programming

  • Network Flow

  • NP Completeness

  • Approximation Algorithm

  • Randomized Algorithm


Topic SubTopic Resource Coding
Greedy Interval Scheduling Problem Set 1 LeetCode
Candy Problem Set 2 LeetCode
Metro-II Problem Set 3 Leetcode
Disjoint Set Union Introduction
Path Compression Problem Set 4 LeetCode
Divide and Conquer Maximum Overlap Problem Set 5
Majority LeetCode
Median of Medians LeetCode
Closest Pair
Fast Fourier Transform FFT Part 1 LeetCode
FFT, Part 2
FFT, Part 3
FFT, Part 4
Applications of FFT Jeff Erickson FFT notes
Dynamic Programming Pingala
Weighted Scheduling LeetCode
Edit Distance
Marathon Runner
Negative Weight Shortest Path
Flow 10
Flow Applications 11
NP-Completeness 12,13


Assignment Pdf
Assignment 1 pdf
Assignment 2 (Sent over google classroom)

Please read the IIT Gandhinagar Honor Code.


  • Algorithm Design, Kleinberg and Tardos. 1st Ed, Pearson.

  • Algorithms Notes, Jeff Erickson.

  • Algorithms. Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, Vijay Vazirani, McGraw Hill.

  • The Design of Approximation Algorithms by David P. Williamson and David B. Shmoy